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Happy Birthday to the One That I Love! This is a love letter to the man I have shared my life with for the past 55 years and counting.

Steve at the ships wheel pretending to steer the ship.

Oh Captain, my Captain.
At the helm on Eve’s 30th birthday cruise.

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love

Dear Steve,

The very first time we met, I was 16 and you were 19. You asked me out. I couldn’t go out with you on the night you asked, and you never called me again. Since your brother and I were best friends, I always knew what was going on in your life.

Then, on July 21, 1968, we met again on Ski Beach in Ventnor NJ. You fed me the line: Haven’t we met before? And I replied honestly: Yes we have. It was a few years back at Flourtown Country Club.

That was the beginning of never ending conversations, laughter, exploration and true love. Three weeks after that meeting you asked me to marry you. I said YES. And on August 29, 1968 you made it official with a gorgeous diamond engagement ring. On March 23, 1969 we got married and we had the wedding of my dreams.

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love with our son who's pretending to baste Steve as he checks Thanksgiving turkeys in the oven at our commissary.

Basting Thanksgiving turkeys with Brian at our commissary. Hmmm… which one is the turkey?

We have been married for almost 55 years now and it has been the adventure of a lifetime. Of course we have had our ups and downs. What married couple hasn’t? But the good has far out weighed the bad. We have an amazing son Brian who is gave us a very special “daughter-in-love”, Eve. Our career as owners of Affairs to Remember Catering brought us treasured accolades. And we have traveled extensively. We may not be rich in money but we have wealth beyond measure because of all of our amazing friends and family members who love us.

We’re living our best life on the road, traveling full time in our RV that you have turned into a showplace, just as you helped do in our assorted homes that we’ve lived in.

You never cease to amaze me!!! Your skills are far too many to list. It seems that no matter what crazy ideas I come up with, you manage to find a way to make them happen. You make me laugh uncontrollably until tears run down my cheeks. You love art, music and food just about as much as I do. You are always by my side supporting my many whims and praising my accomplishments to anyone who will listen.

How can I ever thank you for being my best friend, confidante, food taster, chauffeur and husband? It freaks me out that you have just turned 80 because you don’t look a day over 60. Nor do you act or sound like most men your age.

Family Milestones

A very young Steve with no shirt holding our infant son.

My all time favorite photo!!! This was the day we brought Brian home from the hospital. Brian was 4 days old!

Rabbi holding our son with Steve and I behind him on stairs at Brian's bris.

Our son’s Bris

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love proudly and lovingly watching our son at his bar mitzvah.

Proud and loving family at Brian’s Bar Mitzvah services March 29, 1986

Steve, Brian and I celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary

Our Vow Renewal on our 35th Wedding Anniversary

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love, here we are at our son's wedding.

We were so filled with love and joy at our son’s wedding!!!

Steve’s Silly Side

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love, even when we are silly at Fantasy Fest

So comfortable in his own skin, Steve has no problem acting the clown at Fantasy Fest in Key West FL in 2007

Steve and I dressed in gold togas.

Good natured enough to dress as Marc Antony to my Cleopatra for a Halloween party

Steve showing off his head painted with Eagles in green lettering.

Celebrating Super Bowl at our house in South Florida

Steve sitting on a park bench next to a white sculpture of a many with arms crossed. Steve's putting his phone to the sculpture's ear.

Steve has a very endearing silly side!!!

New Year's celebration

You always make sure that we ring in the New Year in style.

Our very tall son is wearing much shorter Steve's denim jacket and Steve's wearing Brian's huge black jacket.

I laughed hysterically when Brian donned your jacked and you wore his!!!

Steve in a turquoise shirt next to Eve in a black dress with Eve's blonde hair draped on his head.

How do I look as a blonde?

Steve and other men laughing because they're dress in bras and other ladies accessories.

He’s not afraid to be laughed at, either. Cross dressing on a Royal Caribbean cruise

Traveling fun

Steve and I next to a cut out of Norm from the TV show Cheers.

In 2005 we went to Cheers in Boston for lunch. Say hi to Norm!!!

Steve and I eating pizza at a restaurant. Happy Birthday to the One That I Love

We enjoyed fabulous pizza at Mystic Pizza in Connecticut in 2006. It was so great we went again a few days later.

Me in light blue, leaning on a rail in front of a lobster shack.

You promised me lobster every day for our week in Maine back in 2006. A few days I even had lobster for lunch and dinner!

Steve standing in front of The Lady and Sons restaurant, Happy Birthday to the One That I Love

Thank for taking me all the way to Savannah GA because I wanted Chicken Pot Pie at Paula Deen’s restaurant. It was the best chicken pot pie of my life!

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love, us at the top of Pike's Peak

Steve took me to the top of the world. Actually Pike’s Peak in Colorado

Steve standing next to an enormous fork made of 100s of regular forks.

The Fork in the Road


Happy Birthday to the One That I Love, here he is playing an arcade game.

Ms. Pac-Man was, is and always will be your favorite game

Us by the sea wall in Palm Beach, resting from cycling.

Steve’s an avid biker so I tried to keep up and love it too! But I failed at that.

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love who's pictured golfing with the Grand Tetons in the distance.

GET IN THE HOLE. Golfing at our RV park in Ashton ID.

Fearless and Powerful

Steve with his head in photo board of one of 3 Navy SEALS.

While in the Navy he was an Air Controlman, here he’s a Navy SEAL. Amazing. Right?

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love as he stands at POTUS'S podium.

Steve’s a powerful leader!

Great pup dad and granddad

Steve on a white sofa with a tan dog licking him.

Everyone who knows you loves you, even Brian’s first dog Sheba.

Steve in a blue T-shirt sitting on the sofa with our Yorkie Hershi on his lap.

Steve, you are a fabulous pet daddy! Just ask Hershi!

Good at everything you put your mind to

Happy Birthday to the One That I Love as he presents a cake that he baked, just out of the oven.

My love tried his hand at baking and succeeded deliciously

I love you more than mere words can express. Happy 80th Birthday to the one that I love!!!

Steve and I sitting at our dinette having dinner to say Happy Birthday to the One That I Love

Happy 80th Birthday to the One That I Love


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