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New Orleans – A Celebration of Life originally published on Food and Fond Memories on July 19, 2010 by sandyaxelrod 1 Comment (Edit)

New Orleans – A Celebration of Life

Men and women in togas celebrating life on the street

Celebratory Revelry New Orleans Style

Every day in New Orleans is a celebration of life. Here is where art, music, history, food and multiple cultures intermingle to fête life itself. So it was very fitting for Thursday night’s festivities which were part of the New Orleans Wine and Food Experience to be the Royal Street Stroll. Rue Royal is the main shopping street in Vieux Carré (French Quarter). And on that particular evening in May the street was closed to vehicle traffic so that it could be used for the food tents of the participating restaurants. I counted at least 13 tents serving small plates of their facilities signature dishes. In addition to that 52 boutiques and galleries hosted wineries so you could taste wine and shop and the same time. It was such a fun event and of course the wine put everyone in a partying good mood! Steve and I felt that the $70 per person ticket price was quite a bargain for what you received. Hopefully we will attend this event annually because the entire “Experience” was well organized and fun, fun, fun!!!

A group of Jazz musicians performing on the street in front of a building

Music everywhere on the streets of New Orleans

Wood table top with white and blue dishes holding soufflé potatoes and Bearnaise sauce

Soufflé Potatoes and a side of Bearnaise

Black man in white shirt and white woman with dark hair in turquoise top singing

Enjoying a Motown sing-along at Antoine’s Hermes Bar

Steve and I drank much more than we ate so we decided to go to Antoine’s Hermes Bar for burgers and Soufflé Potatoes. The atmosphere here was so festive that everyone on the “Stroll” must have had the same idea as us. There were two singers going from table to table and taking requests. We sang a lot of Motown songs which was so much fun because it’s what Steve and I grew up with. Before we knew it it was after 1am and we were exhausted. We had consumed our fill of food and wine and we had walked for miles between the “Stroll” and our walk back to the RV Resort from the Quarter earlier in the day so we ambled to the car, drove home and fell into bed tired, but very happy.

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