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Steve and I had the most magical experience of Shabbat Dinner on November 10, 2023.

Colorful drawing celebrating Shabbat Dinner November 10 2023

Shabbat Shalom – Peaceful Sabbath
Photo Credit: Google Free Photos

We have been in traveling for three and a half years now and have had some amazing experiences. But the one we had last week, absolutely tops them all!

About 10 days ago we got new neighbors behind us. Steve noticed the young mother teaching her 4 little ones how to make pizza in the communal fire pit that separates our rigs. He marveled at how intently the children (ages 2 to 7) were watching her. He also noticed that the oldest boy was wearing a yarmulke, which made him realized that this was a young family of Orthodox Jews. So immediately we felt a kinship with them before we even got to know them.

The next day Steve met the husband Shmuel and his wife Sarah while he was walking our little Hershi. After a lovely conversation they invited us for a Shabbat candle lighting the following Friday evening. Then a day or so later, Shmuel invited us for Shabbat dinner. Of course we accepted!

On November 9 Steve observed a sign on the front of their RV inviting all who wanted to attend to the Kiddush at 5:15 and dinner at 7:45. My immediate thought was: How is Sarah going to prepare all of that food in her little RV kitchen?

Shabbat Dinner November 10 2023 painting by an artist

Shabbat Dinner
Photo Credit: Google Free Photos

We attended the beautiful candle lighting and then went back to our RV. We returned in plenty of time to attend the Sabbath feast under the stars.

For years I’ve yearned to attend a communal dinner under the stars. I thought it would be at a winery or farm. But instead it was Shabbat Dinner on November 10, 2023, at John Prince Park Campground in Lake Worth Florida. And it was just as extraordinary as I imagined that dinner would be.

Here we were, seated at 2-3 picnic tables placed end to end to create one very long table that was beautifully set. Ample light was provided by a halogen lamp at the top of the RV which was plugged into a timer so it would go off automatically. Orthodox Jews do not use light switches, stoves, TV, phones etc. on the sabbath which begins at sundown on Friday evenings and ends at sundown Saturday. There was also a huge warming tray plugged into the timer to keep all of our food hot.

Sarah was up all night on Thursday cooking. It’s the only time she has to herself, since she has 4 littles that she home schools. The variety of dishes that she prepared even overwhelmed me. And I’m a professional chef!!!

Typical shabbat dinner outside similar to our Shabbat Dinner November 10 2023

Shabbat dinner under the stars
Photo Credit: Google Free Photos

About 18 to 20 campers of all ages were seated at table. Though it was a rustic setting, the table was covered with a lovely linen tablecloth and each place setting had a napkin, beautiful plastic flatware and plates and glasses for wine or juice for the children. We all looked around and at each other and could not get over how amazing it all was.

And then the food came out. First we said the blessing over the bread and passed the challah so each of us could have some. Then this very long table was lined down the center with dish after dish of appetizers. There were at least 3 different eggplant salads, baba ghanoush, hummus, tomato and jalapẽno salad, cubes of roasted sweet potatoes with cumin and other seasonings, a spicy pepper salad AND Salmon Ceviche. Everything was so fabulously delicious that I’d have been quite happy if that was all there was.

Table set with food similar to our Shabbat Dinner November 10 2023

Shabbat Dinner but not ours
Photo Credit: Google Free Photos

But wait. There’s more. Sarah and Shmuel brought out brisket, chicken with cabbage and carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and potato kugel!!!

And it didn’t stop there. An array of babka’s and pastries from Glick’s Kosher Market in Delray Beach was placed down the length of the table. I tell you, it was a feast of epic proportions.

Our Shabbat Dinner November 10, 2023 was several days ago and we are still talking about. It was a truly magical and awe inspiring night. In respect of the sabbath we did not take any photos. But none are needed for us because the evening is indelibly etched in our hearts and minds.

Disclaimer: None of the photos in this post are mine. It would not have been appropriate to take photos on shabbat at the home of observant Jews. I have sourced these photos from Google Free Photos, online.

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