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After all of the planning and hard work that  goes into creating a new blog it feels like you are having a baby. So in essence our baby is The Traveling Locavores. Now that Our baby is almost two weeks old we are excitedly watching it grow and thrive.

Bald man in black t-shirt (Steve) and woman with black and pink hat with an green alligator sculpture

Hi from NOLA! The Traveling Locavores Sandy and Steve Axelrod

Our goal is to have our baby The Traveling Locavores become a reference for what to cook, where to dine and what tourist attractions to not miss. Whether you want to feel transported to another state by cooking our recipes or whether you are actually planning a visit we want to guide you to enjoying an area like a local would. We can’t wait to get on the road in the RV of our dreams but until then we hope to teach you the ins and outs of RV and truck shopping and continue the tradition started on Food and Fond Memories of filling you in on the best of the areas we have visited on vacations. So to help us reach our goal we would love for you to let us know what you want to know about. So please drop us a line at either sandy@thetravelinglocavores.com or steve@thetravelinglocavores.com. We really look forward to hearing from you and getting your feed back!

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